Regret Not Being a Part of Kickstarter & Actively Participating in What's Sure to Be the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Stegosaurus?

General backer submissions have closed, but there's still time to vote on the content that gets added to RELENTLESS REX: THE GAME... but not for long. The voting process has started, and backers are currently making the decisions that will ultimately shape the direction of the game.

All backer polls are expected to close February 2019, so if you want to get in on the action, Pledge $15 now at this Paypal link to be added as a Base-Level Backer—That gets you a digital copy of Relentless Rex: The Game (HD Edition for PC, Mac, or STEAM), voting in exclusive Backer Polls to decide on the content that gets added to the game (PLAYABLE CHARACTERS, SIDE QUESTS, REX MUTATIONS, ENEMIES, WEAPONS, & ENVIRONMENTS), and your name included in the game's "Thank You" Credits. There's also higher-tier rewards (below) like t-shirts, customized posters, original artwork, and fresh RELENTLESS REX undies (in case my game scares you a little TOO much). You can even skip all the democratic polling crap, and just tell me exactly what you want to put in the game. YOU SAY IT, I CREATE IT. (Quantities limited.)

If you have any questions or want to receive game updates, email me here. Thanks human. I can't wait to meat you. (YES, I spelled that correctly.)

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